Биг бэги для фасовки и перевозки гипса

Gypsum is a very hygroscopic construction material for which contact with external moisture is not allowed. For the transportation of gypsum, two-sling containers (less often four-sling) with a size of 95x95x120 cm are widely used. In this variant, the use of a polyethylene insert is required. As a rule, for such cases, the complete set of containers with inserts is made immediately at the production site.

We will manufacture big bags of the required size and density on individual orders. To select a container you can consult our specialist.

Do you have your own application option or need advice from a specialist in the selection of Big Bags? Choose the right option for your Big Bag using the advice of our specialist. Calculate the cost and get a personal offer for the delivery to your region.

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